Chaos (Structured)

“For art at its roots is association… the power to make one thing stand for another.”

–Robert Hughes

There exists in mankind a struggle that dates back to the dawning of consciousness and perhaps even before. Numerous cultures have outlined this struggle as a duality: Good and Evil, Yin and Yang, Form and Formless… Order and Chaos. With that struggle in mind, mankind has sought ways to ride the fine line between the two; to leverage the benefits while mitigating the pitfalls of each aspect. Ancient wisdom holds that each side of the duality holds power; that each side can and should be utilized at certain points. But prior to the creation of our modern logocentric approach to living, I believe the ancients relied much more on symbolism to communicate; because just as there is an individual path we must walk, there are also universal principles embedded in us from before birth. It is here that my work begins to take shape.

Chaos: (Structured) is born out of my fascination with the idea that entire concepts and trains of thought can be encompassed in a single symbol or icon. Not only that, but the fact that these icons work to acknowledge the Chaos while implementing systems of Order to give it some manageable form. The series consist of photo-based, multimedia works that serve as symbolic pointers. 

The objective is to further the conversation regarding symbols and their importance in our world as well as continue to question the role of photography in the broader scope of other art processes and modalities.

Using allusions to sacred geometry, Biblical verses and various other sacred texts, each piece harbors an idea that is designed to move the viewer into deeper states of contemplation.

I believe that Aesthetics matters. I believe that Art is a necessity for human growth and edification. I seek not to tell a linear story. But to find the common thread between my psyche, the physical world, and the Divine.

This is my journey. These pieces are the signposts.